Thursday, June 30, 2016

Psychological Time - The Personal ROI

Understanding ‘Time’ in a new light

Time is challenging for most of us. Here is a snippet from the chapter on Psychological time from the book The Personal ROI

 At the end of the previous chapter, the palpable thought in your monkey mind is, ‘All this will take time’.
 Time is an aspect of my life that makes it challenging to accomplish my work in progress. To finish what we start, we need to understand a different dimension of time and that happens when we start to look at time cyclically instead of linear.

Linear time can trap

Once you look at time as a ‘resource’ rather than a ‘constraint’, you then accept possibilities. Linear time is a constraint.

Find it hard to believe? 86,400 seconds is deposited everyday into your time bank account without a question being asked on how you have used it the previous day. 

We have devised a system of measurement that is linear and unidirectional.

Friday, June 24, 2016

The Personal ROI - To be published soon!

Hi all, the book has gone to the printers and should be out very soon.
Meanwhile, get sample chapters of the book The Personal ROI.
Click on the link below, subscribe and get updates on the launch date!

Monday, June 20, 2016